Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Derivative Nouns in Indonesian Language

This is another reason why Indonesian is easy to understand. We don’t have to remember lots vocabulary because the Indonesian vocabularies are derived or originated from verbs and nouns. Take a look explanation below :

1. root word + -an ( Noun derived from verbs )

makan = to eat
makanan = food
bayar = pay
bayarn = payment
pikir = think
pikiran = thought

2. pe- + adjective/ noun/ verb ( It shows a person who has habit or does the action denoted by the root word )

~ pe- + adjective ( showing quality ) ( it simply means “ adjective + person “ )

jahat = bad, wicked
penjahat = a criminal, bad person
berani = brave, unafraid
pemberani = brave person

~ pe- + noun

laut = ocean
pelaut = sailor, mariner, seaman

~ pe- + verb ( It’s similar like verb + er )

tulis = write
penulis = writer
bantu = to assist
pembantu = assistant
baca = read
pembaca = reader

~ The prefix pe- is also used to show an agent for an action. So, the noun formed by pe- is used to qualify / modify other noun.

panas = hot
mesin pemanas = heater
memburu = to hunt
robot pemburu = hunting robot

3. pe- root word + -an ( it’s made from transitive verbs ) ( Indicating something as a result of the action performed related to the root word ) ( In English, it’s equivalent to “gerund” )

membersihkan = to clean
pembersihan = cleaning
mengerti = understand
pengertian = understanding
mengajar = to teach
pengajaran = teaching
menerangkan = to inform
penerangan = information
membicarakan = to talk, to discuss
pembicaraan =  discussion

4. per- rootword + -an

~ originated from ber- + verb

bekerja = to work
pekerjaan = job, work
bertanya = to ask
pertanyaan = a query / a question

~originated from other nouns
saudara = brother, sister, cousin
persaudaraan = brotherhood

sahabat = friend, buddy
persahabatan = friendship

5. ke- + adjective + -an

~ come from an adjective ( basically, it’s an adjective becoming a noun )
berani = brave
keberanian = braveness
aman = secure, safe
keamanan = safety, security
mudah = easy
kemudahan = easiness

~ originated from noun or number

uang = money
keuangan = monetary matters, finances
satu = one, singular
kesatuan =  unity

~ originated from verbs

hidup = to have life, to live
kehidupan = life , livelihood
ingin = to want, to wish,  to desire
keinginan = a wish, eagerness, a desire

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