1. root word + -an ( Noun derived from verbs )
makan = to eat
makanan = food
bayar = pay
bayarn = payment
pikir = think
pikiran = thought
2. pe- + adjective/ noun/ verb ( It shows a person
who has habit or does the action denoted by the root word )
~ pe- + adjective ( showing quality ) ( it simply
means “ adjective + person “ )
jahat = bad, wicked
penjahat = a criminal, bad person
berani = brave, unafraid
pemberani = brave person
~ pe- + noun
laut = ocean
pelaut = sailor, mariner, seaman
~ pe- + verb ( It’s similar like verb + er )
tulis = write
penulis = writer
bantu = to assist
pembantu = assistant
baca = read
pembaca = reader
~ The prefix pe- is also used to show an agent for
an action. So, the noun formed by pe- is used to qualify / modify other noun.
panas = hot
mesin pemanas = heater
memburu = to hunt
robot pemburu = hunting robot
3. pe- root word + -an ( it’s made from transitive
verbs ) ( Indicating something as a result of the action performed related to
the root word ) ( In English, it’s equivalent to “gerund” )
membersihkan = to clean
pembersihan = cleaning
mengerti = understand
pengertian = understanding
mengajar = to teach
pengajaran = teaching
menerangkan = to inform
penerangan = information
membicarakan = to talk, to discuss
pembicaraan =
4. per- rootword + -an
~ originated from ber- + verb
bekerja = to work
pekerjaan = job, work
bertanya = to ask
pertanyaan = a query / a question
~originated from other nouns
saudara = brother, sister, cousin
persaudaraan = brotherhood
sahabat = friend, buddy
persahabatan = friendship
5. ke- + adjective + -an
~ come from an adjective ( basically, it’s an
adjective becoming a noun )
berani = brave
keberanian = braveness
aman = secure, safe
keamanan = safety, security
mudah = easy
kemudahan = easiness
~ originated from noun or number
uang = money
keuangan = monetary matters, finances
satu = one, singular
kesatuan =
~ originated from verbs
hidup = to have life, to live
kehidupan = life , livelihood
ingin = to want, to wish, to desire
keinginan = a wish, eagerness, a desire
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