- Its function is to change intransitive verb into
transitive verb
-“-kan” means to make something/ someone got an
action. It causes something to the object.
me - verb - kan from root word
-It has a causative function. It cause a condition
which is expressed with the root word
For example :
1. bangun = to wake up ( membangunkan = to wake somebody up )
Dia membangunkan saya tadi pagi
He woke me up this morning
2. keluar = to exit/ to go out ( mengeluarkan = take out/ make something to be out )
Aku mengeluarkan sepeda dari rumah
I took the bicycle out of the garage
me – verb – kan from ber-....-kan
For example :
1. berbicara = to speak; membicarakan = to discuss
Aku membicarakan masalah itu ke guru
I discussed that problem to the teacher
– adjective – kan
For example :
1. bersih = clean ( membersihkan = to clean )
2. berani = brave ( memberanikan = to encourage )
3. benar = correct, true ( membenarkan = to correct,
to fix, to repair )
~ to make passive voice from me- kan form, just change the “me-“ into "di-"verb
Kelas dibersihkan oleh mereka
The class is cleaned by them
~ to make imperative sentence from me- .....-kan form, just add “-kan” only to the root word
Bersihkan kelas itu !
Clean that class !
~ "me- .....-kan" verb is also used to link the verb
to an indirect object.
It shows that something to be done for someone or
The indirect object comes before the direct object.
Aku menceritakan teman saya sebuah cerita
I told my friend a story
Mereka membuatkan saya makanan
They made me a food
Dia menyanyikan sebuah lagu untuk saya *
She sang a song to me
*When the direct object comes first, the indirect
object is connected with a preposition “untuk”
or “kepada” ( both mean “to” )
Now, see the difference below
Saya menyewa rumah untuk tinggal sementara waktu
I rent a house to stay for a while
Saya menyewakan rumah ini untuk mereka
I lease this house for them
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