Friday, May 17, 2013

Verbs in Indonesian Language 1 ( simple verbs )

From here on, you are going to experience how easy Indonesian language can be ! Many languages in the world have lots of tenses, but not in Indonesian. Indonesian language is known to be the easiest language spoken on earth. No wonder why, here are reasons as well as the rule of the language why it's so much easy and simple to master Indonesian that makes you even able to learn Indonesian in just a week ! :

1.Tense and number are not displayed or showed by any changing of verb form.
2.Indonesian language doesn't have any definite tenses rule at all.
   Therefore, Adverbs or time marker usually indicate the time of the action or the tense of its verb.

-Adverb of time showing the present tense : 

Sekarang = Now, At the moment
Akhir-akhir ini / dewasa ini = At present, nowadays, these days
Hari ini = Today

-Adverb of time showing the past tense :

Dahulu/ Dulu = .....ago, before, formerly, at one time, once
Lalu = last.....( minggu lalu = last week/ last weekend/ last sunday)
Tadi/ Baru aja = just now, a short while ago, this...... ( tadi malam = last night, tadi pagi = last morning/ this morning )
Kemarin = yesterday

-Adverb of time showing the future tense :
*The future tense is indicated by auxiliary words "akan" ( will/ shall ) and "mau, pingin, hendak" ( want to )

Nanti = Later, a future time, someday
Besok = Tomorrow
Lusa = The day after tomorrow
Malam ini/ nanti malam = Tonight
.....berikutnya/ ....besok = Next ....( Next morning = besok pagi, minggu berikutnya = next week )

-Adverb of time showing the perfect tense :
 *The perfect tense is indicated by auxiliary words "sudah/ telah" ( already )

 Tadi/ Baru aja/ barusan = just now, a short while ago

Simple verbs in Indonesian language means the verbs without any prefix or suffix added to it. So, basically, in English, it's called "to infinitive".

 For example :
  • Saya pergi ke sana dengan mengendarai mobil ( I go there by driving a car )
  • Mereka lari dengan kencang ( They run fast )
  • Aku duduk di kursi ( I sit on a chair )
  • Matahari tebit di timur ( the sun rises in the east )

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