Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to say my, your, his, her, its, our and their in Indonesian ?

Possessive Determiners / Adjective in Indonesia Language

To make an possessive pronoun in Indonesian, the personal pronoun / possessive adjective ( aku, kamu, dia, mereka, kami, kita ) comes after the noun.

No changes again in personal pronoun into possessive adjective like those ones in english ( "i" becomes "my", "you" becomes "your", and so on )

                                                         Noun + personal pronoun

Personal Pronoun : *All below are correct
~Saya/ Aku/ -ku
~Anda/ Kamu/ -mu/ engkau/ kau
~Dia/ ia/ -nya
~Kami/ Kita

For Example :

  1. Ibu saya = my mother
  2. Mobil kita = our car
  3. Rumah dia / Rumahnya = his/her house
  4. Komputerku/ Komputer aku = my conputer
  5. Pengalaman anda = your experience
  6. Bapakmu = your father
  7. Keberanian engkau = your braveness
  8. Nilai mereka = their score
  9. Kantor kita/ Kantor kami =our office

And now, how to say mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs in Indonesia language ?

It's so much easy ! Indonesian actually doesn't have lots of terms like mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs, we just add "punya + personal pronoun/ possessive adjective"

For Example :

  1. Mine is there ( Punyaku di situ )
  2. Where is yours ? ( Dimana punyamu ? )
  3. They have taken hers ( Mereka telah/ sudah mengambil punya dia )
  4. I ate theirs ( Aku memakan punya mereka )

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