Normally, duplication in Indonesian language expresses plurality, bu in some occasion, the adjectives modifying the noun is become double to show plurality.
1. Duplicated noun means resemblance/ similarity
Motor-motoran = something looks like a real motor ( maybe a toy )
Orang-orangan = something resembles a real human ( maybe a manikin )
2. Duplicated verb shows frequency of action and the duration of its action
Melihat = to see
Melihat-lihat = to look around
Berjalan = to walk
Berjalan-jalan = to walk around
Pukul = to hit, to punch
Berpukul-pukulan = to hit each other ( * note : this is kind of mutuality expression )
Menembak = to shoot
Tembak-menembak = to shoot each other
3. Duplicated adjective combined with prefix se- and suffix -nya shows a high degree of emphasizing
( se+ adjective + nya )
Kurang = less, too little
Sekurang-kurangnya = at least
Besar = big
Sebesar-besarnya = as big as possible
4. Other varieties of duplication
pagi-pagi = very early in the morning
ada-ada saja = what the .....
apa-apa = a thing , something
tidak apa-apa = nothing or i'm okay ( there's nothing to worry )
5. Special meaning duplication
Mudah-mudahan = hopefully
Jangan-jangan = maybe, perhaps
Satu-satunya = the one and only
Pelan-pelan = slowly
6. Changed syllable sound duplication
bolak-balik/ mondar-mandir = back and fourth, to and from
serba-serbi = variety/ miscellaneous
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