Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Preposition in Indonesian language

Adverb of Place of Indonesia Language

Believe it or not, Indonesian uses the same preposition for different places. What i mean is that it is a must that the preposition pair for table is "on" and the preposition pair for country is "in". That doesn't count in Indonesia. No matter where it is, for example "di Jepang" and "di restoran".

Just like what i said on my first post, this is what makes it so easy to learn. No preposition rule for Indonesia Language.

There are 3 basic and probably the most spoken preposition in Indonesian :
-di = in, on, at ( it shows "position" )
-ke = to, towards ( it shows "direction" )
-dari = from ( for place )

Example : di restoran, ke pasar, dari rumah

Those 3 prepositions above can be combined with other preposition as follows :

  1. atas = above, on, over
  2. bawah = below, under
  3. depan ( muka ) = front
  4. belakang = behind, back
  5. antara = among, between
  6. tengah = centre, middle
  7. dalam = inside, within
  8. luar = outside
  9. dekat = near
  10. sebelah = next to, beside

 So, it can be like these below explanation :
  1. di bawah = under, downstairs
  2. ke bawah = downwards
  3. di atas = on, on top of
  4. ke atas = onto, upwards
  5. di dalam = inside, within
  6. ke dalam = into
  7. dari dalam = outwards, out of
Example : di bawah kursi, di luar rumah, di dekat/ dekat kantor, ke atas gedung

-Here = sini
 ( from here = dari sini; in here = di sini )

-There = sana
 ( ke sana = to there; di sana = in/ on there )

-In terms of persons related preposition, Indonesian uses "kepada". 
And time-indications related preposition, Indonesian uses "pada"

For example :
  1. to Mr. Robert = kepada Pak Robert ( often used in writing letter )
  2. my father said to me = bapak saya mengatakan kepada saya
  3. in March = pada bulan Maret
  4. once upon a time = pada suatu hari

Adverb of manner of Indonesia Language

Here's another true fact why Indonesia language is highly easy to master. All of adverbs of manner use only one word "dengan"

With =dengan

For instance :
  • dengan mudah = easily
  • pizza dengan keju = pizza with cheese
  • pergi ke situ dengan bus = going there by bus
  • pulang ke rumah dengan mobil = going home by car
In addition, synonym of "dengan" is "pakai/ pake". Both of them have the same meaning. However, "pakai/ pake" is more likely to be spoken in daily conversation while "dengan" is usually used in a public speaking or school/ university related showing that "dengan" is politer.

For example : *Literally, pakai means "to use or to wear, to utilize or to apply"
  • donat pake gula = donut with sugar
  • pergi ke sekolah pakai mobil = going to the school by car
The opposite of "pakai/ dengan" in this term is "tanpa"which means "without"

For example : Saya membeli susu tanpa gula di dalamnya kemarin
                      ( I bought milk without sugar in it yesterday )

 Question word for position and direction

Where ? = Mana ?

Therefore, we can choose one of the preposition to be placed before the question word, just like in English.
  • Ke mana ?
  • Di mana ?
  • Dari mana ?
For example :
  1. Mereka pergi ke mana ? or Ke mana mereka pergi ? ( Where are they going to ? )
  2. Dari mana makanan ini ? or Makanan ini dari mana ? ( Where is this food from ? )
  3. Kelas saya di mana ? or Di mana kelas saya ? ( Where is my class ? )

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